
Monday, March 20, 2017

Die in order to live

We are considered to be a whole person but given, we are enveloped by our woundedness and brokenness. These two allow us to look for what we do not have instead of appreciating and strengthening the gifts God bestowed upon us.

We must die in order to live. We must let go of the past, and forget about the pains and struggles of our childhood. After all, life must be lived forward. Today is what matters. Live in the present and prepare for the future.

In this journey called life, what really counts is not the things you possess. It is the little acts of kindness that you will carry when you enter the kingdom of God. The fullness of life begins with ordinary things. And these ordinary things when done with great love become extraordinary.

Be thankful even for the tiny blessings. Appreciate what you have and those people who love you. Be kind. Be gentle. Be thankful. Forgive. Ask for forgiveness. Pray and most of all love for God loved us even if we sinned again and again. Christ is the greatest manifestation of His love for us.

As we continue to travel life, let us carry within our hearts the unending love of God. Plant seeds of kindness to people even to places you go. One random act of kindness can change the world and can make a better place to live in.

One of the striking thoughts Fr. Gregg Landicho, our retreat master said, is that, if we die, it is beautiful to be remembered by the people around you to be a person with a kind heart. 💝
