
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The things I've learned...

I was taught to show kindness and affection to people who has a heart and even to those who show mean and nasty deeds.

I was taught to give due respect to people who value their self-worth much more to the elders and even to those who show rigid disposition in life.

I was taught to share what I have be it much or less to those people who show appreciation and recognition and even to those who have selfish acts.

I was taught not only to share but to give even if I don’t have enough, to the people who have less in life especially to the poor and the needy ones.

I was taught to follow and obey rules with sincerity and truthfulness and live it by example so that other people will understand its significance.

I was taught to fight for my right even if it is too impossible because of inequality. Sometimes you need to fight for your right with conviction not only for yourself but for those who chose to keep silent. Because in our society, some see you more and some see you less.

I was taught to be polite and smart when the situation requires me to, not because I accept their words of insult but because my mind dictates me that it is part of my behavior to be well mannered at all times.

I was taught to be composed even if the moment calls me to freak out not because I am uneducated but because my maturity is tested.

I was taught to be humble and meek to people who also show humility and even to those who are too proud and loud of their accomplishments. I am often reminded that humility is a virtue.

I was taught to ask for forgiveness if I know I’ve done wrong because to ask for forgiveness doesn’t make me less of a person. Likewise, I was taught to forgive no matter how much pain it caused me because healing is good for my health and my soul.

I was taught not to hold grudges against anyone especially to the people I love and even to those who want to bring me down. They may have pulled me down but God's hand is there to lift me up.

I was taught to be silent if I don’t have anything good to say because words are better uttered to uplift a spirit rather than to cause wound in the heart.

I was taught not to judge a person right away because of the way he speaks, the way he dresses or the way the acts. What they need is an understanding heart. This person lacks love from the people around him that is why he easily casts stone on anyone's back.

I was taught not to point a finger on someone unless I’ve proved them wrong because I shouldn’t be throwing sharp words to him for the words I used to destroy him are the words that sometimes suit to describe me.

I was taught not to question on someone else’s happiness because happiness cannot be seen on what possessions I have or cannot be counted with the places I've been through. Happiness is not tangible. It cannot be measured. Happiness is a state of mind. Happiness is happiness if your heart grows in love and you have peace of mind.

I was taught not to compare myself to anyone. God created us equally and I believe I am unique in my own ways. Comparison will not bring me any good. It stimulates unhealthy competition, disappointment and depression.

I was taught to live a simple life even if I have the means to have a luxurious living. It is better to be contented for what I have than to crave for the things my arms cannot embrace. With this, I was also taught to be thankful and grateful for every blessing I receive.

I was taught not to take revenge or retaliate on someone who has done something bad on me. I was taught to practice self-control and anger management. Remember, God blesses a peaceful, forgiving and loving heart.

I was taught to let go of something or people that no longer bring good or peace to myself. It’s good to look back to memories once in a while but to let go is far more best than holding on.

I was taught to view life in a wider perspective and that is to keep a fighting spirit, to keep positive thoughts even if I am in world full of chaos, hypocrisy, selfishness, greediness and pride. It is better to be surrounded with optimism and good vibes.

I was taught to trust even if sometimes I feel disappointed. Trusting is placing my hands in the hands of God because He alone can unveil whatever lies ahead of me. 

I was taught to value my family because no matter what happens, no matter what it takes, my family will still be the first to catch me when I fall, the first to get hurt when I'm in pain and the first to be happy and proud when I reap victory.

I was taught to love with all my heart the people dear to me, the people close to me and even the people who hate me because they need it the most for love is the greatest gift of God to His people. It breaks walls and boundaries and builds bridges.

Above all, I was taught to pray even if it is hardest to pray. Many people need it. Prayers are the best weapon in every battle I encounter. It can move mountains. It can save a soul. It can change a life. It can soften a hard heart. It can heal. It increases faith.

There are many things in life that I learned and everyday I am still learning. The lessons are sometimes hard but I keep in mind that it is part of life. I am  thankful that I am still alive for I get the chance to see the beauty around me. 

In this journey, I am blessed to love and be loved and to care and be cared for. Life is short. Life is sweet. Life is good. It is not how long I live my  life but how I take this journey as I go through life matters the most. Enjoy life and learn to live life happily.